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    Small Business Consulting

    Do Small Businesses Need Websites?

    In one word, yes! The internet is the most effective marketing tools nowadays, it can reach far more people than any flyer or advertisement in the local paper ever will. Should you do your own website? It all depends on your skills if you have the ability to make a website that looks good, just […]

    Make Use of the Written Word

    Another thing to think about when you are hiring a business consultant is to ask them whether or not they have written anything that deals with the issues that your company is facing. Published works can be an invaluable tool to reference from time to time, when the contract with your consultant is finished or […]

    Building Visibility

    Web Advertising for the Small Business

    If you run a small business, advertising costs must be figured in as part of your overall expenses. If you have received quotes for phone directory ads, business association block ads, and mostly any other print media, these costs are quite high. So, what if your budget is small, perhaps negligible? Will you be left […]